Datum: 14 mei 2024

Webinar: Using and correctly pricing earnouts

door Prof. Dr. B. Schwetzler en Dr. M. Schreiter
Inhoud van het webinar

Earnout clauses in corporate acquisitions make payments contingent on specific future events, as e.g. the crossing of a predetermined threshold of a value driver figure (EBIT, sales etc.). They prove usefuI to bridge differences between the buyers and the sellers perceived future development of the company. Moreover they mitigate problems arising from informational asymmetries between the two transaction parties. Notably this contract clauses become more prevalent in crisis times marked by a high overall uncertainty, particularly in industries with a substantial portion of immaterial assets that are difficult to value.
In this session we will take a closer look on earnout clauses, exploring different choices of value drivers, maturity periods and other influential factors. We will demonstrate how to properly price earnout clauses using option pricing theory and simulation models based on risk-neutral probabilities. These models also illuminate potential pitfalls and quantify valuation errors when applying standard-DCF valuation models in this setting.
The Excel segment of the webinar will demonstrate the utilization of a theoretical adjusted Black-Scholes option pricing model and a simulation model to price earnouts. We will also highlight how earnouts can reduce and bridge differences in perceived values between buyers and sellers in a transaction.

Over de docenten

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler holds the chair of financial management at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. He was a research fellow and visiting professor at various international universities such as Purdue University, INSEAD Fontainebleau and EADA Barcelona. Prof. Schwetzler has published in numerous national and international journals on topics related to company valuation and financing theory (including Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft), works as an expert in valuation issues for courts and supports in this function also companies and investors. As a member of the advisory board of Value Trust S.E. and the scientific advisory board of the Federal Association of German Equity Investment Companies in Germany, Prof. Schwetzler maintains close contact with the practice of company valuation and company transactions.

Dr. Maximilian Schreiter
Maximilian Schreiter is onderzoeksassistent en promovendus aan de leerstoel Financieel Management aan de Hogeschool van Leipzig (HHL). Zijn onderzoeksgebied is de toepassing van echte optietheorie bij het optimaliseren van financierings- en investeringsbeslissingen, evenals bij bedrijfswaardering. Voordat hij bij HHL kwam, werkte hij voor Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. Gedurende deze periode adviseerde hij consumentengoederen en retailbedrijven in Midden- en Oost-Europa en West-Afrika bij verschillende projecten.


Het webinar vindt plaats op 14 mei 2024 van 16.30 tot 19.30 uur
(inclusief een pauze)

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