Lourens van der Wiel

Registered Valuator - Business Valuation – Business ControlLineBreakLineBreakBringing financial expertise in maximizing the value of your business.LineBreakLineBreakExpert in the field of Business Valuation, value management and your strategic advisor on corporate and portfolio strategies, M&A and capital investments as well as the implementation of the required KPI and control systems to enhance the value of your business.LineBreakLineBreakManagement Buy-in/Buy-out, Merger and Acquisition, enhancing (shareholder) value management strategies, strategic corporate and portfolio management advice.LineBreakLineBreakA strong partner in the management team to drive the organizational performance to a higher level with a solid track record of achieving business goals in highly demanding environments. I am focused and persistent in achieving the agreed results in my communication and actions with all stakeholders.LineBreakA team player with strongly developed communication & leadership skills who has the ability to lead all disciplines in the organization.
  • ICT
  • Groothandel
  • Detailhandel en ambachten
  • Dienstverlening
  • Fusies & overnames
  • Financiering
Overige gegevens
Email: lavanderwiel@gmail.com
Mobiel: 06-51290496
Werkervaring: More info on linkedin.com/in/lourensvanderwiel
Aantal mensen binnen de organisatie zijn lid en actief als RV: 1
Actief in waarderingspraktijk: Ja
Ingeschreven bij LRGD: Nee
Ingeschreven bij DIX: Nee
Nationaal actief:
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