Paul de Blok

I am working as consultant/advisor at Zederik Corporate Advisory Services B.V. Till 2021 I was a certified public accountant and since 1998 I am business valuator. During my career, I have written a special manual ‘Mergers and Acquisitions’ for the National Institute of Chartered Accountants together with some colleagues from the University of Rotterdam. , ,In addition, I was chairman of NIRV and also appointed as honorary member. I am non-executive director of two mid-market firms. Finally, I finished in 2013 with success the study Corporate Governance for non-executives at Nyenrode Business University.
  • Onroerend goed
  • Groothandel
  • Industrie
  • Gas, water, lucht en electriciteit
  • Vervoer en opslag
  • Dienstverlening
  • Fusies & overnames
  • Financiering
  • Vastgoed
Overige gegevens
Bedrijfsnaam: Zederik Corporate Advisory Services B.V.
Zakelijk adres: Pr. Julianastraat 16
Postcode en plaats: 4132 CB Vianen
Telefoonnummer: 0347-326244
Mobiel: 06-22789357
Werkervaring: As a partner of RSM , I have more than 35 years of experience as a trusted financial advisor for mid-market businesses. In general, I am involved in management consulting and mergers & acquisitions. Particularly preparing businesses for sales, corporate recovery/distressed portfolios and other strategic planning. My most interesting experience with international merger/acquisitions and international valuation assignments and several carve-outs
Aantal mensen binnen de organisatie zijn lid en actief als RV: 1
Actief in waarderingspraktijk: Ja
Aandeel in tijdsbesteding besteedt aan waarderingsvraagstukken: 25%
Ingeschreven bij LRGD: Nee
Ingeschreven bij DIX: Nee
Nationaal actief:
Internationaal actief:
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